Virgin Megastore, London, England

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Virgin Megastore Pressing Plant
Location 14-16 Oxford Street (Bottom Floor), Westminster, London, UK
Online Unknown
Operators Unknown

The Virgin Megastore in London once included a CD manufacturing facility (!). Virgin founder/impresario Richard Branson believed this was a great opportunity for music buyers to see how CDs were made. Unfortunately for Branson, there are far more financially-productive ways to use retail space you're paying Oxford Street rents for. CD manufacturing is not a particularly interesting process to watch, and unlike Krispy Kreme donuts (which are often made in "showroom" facilities inside their stores), there's not much difference between a CD that's hot off the press and one that's been sitting around for a while.

Discs with "VIRGIN MEGASTORE" in the matrix area of the hub were pressed at this facility.