ON THE WAY HOME tonight I walked past the Kaiser center, expecting the usual creepy empty parking lot. Instead there was a creepier swarm of birkenstockers and white-guys-with-dreadlocks-and-tie-dies, like the freakin' Doper's Ball. D'oh! Same thing, turns out the Other Ones are playing tonight and tomorrow. My old ASCII Express board was named after a Grateful Dead album, but I JUST LIKED THE COVER ART AND THE TITLE TRACK AND MAYBE ONE OR TWO OTHER SONGS! THAT'S ALL!

(My Deadhead kid brother has melted so many brain cells over the years it makes me wanna smack somebody.)

front quarter view

On the other hand this is a pretty fine-looking ride, despite the fact that it clearly belongs to one of the bowl-blowers currently grooving across the street. It looks like the result of a horrible miscegenation experiment involving Molly's Roadmaestra.

more of the back

The Dodge has more of a bubble-butt than the 'Maestra but the 'Maestra has that cute li'l undertuck on its hinder.

Previously at Studio Nibble...
