The Southwest Pirate's Guild ArchivesReturn with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear! The SWPG Newsletter
Rip's Notes From The Field
The Neverending Story...PlusThe Neverending Story was a collaborative serial novel which allowed us to work off some major-league teenage ego juice by portraying ourselves as driving around in expensive cars and fighting our legions of "enemies" -- fictionalized versions of the local cheesebags who ran BBS's we didn't like. Juvenile? Sure. But more fun than a crate full of exploding navel oranges...
Lair AdsSketchy, doodly stuff I did for the Lair Of The Beast BBS back in the day.
See Also...
Not Dead Yet!Life breathes still in the old posse.
Philosophically Similar Links
WantedCountleggers 1-10, especially if you can help get the screen shots converted to GIF files. I think I still have them all around here somewhere, but come on, how the hell am I going to get them off those old Apple ][ disks? Coming Soon..?Hating Adam Hudson, Dangerous Knowledge #1: Opening Master Locks, Ditching, and more! |
Copyright 1999, Ernie Longmire (Lazlo Nibble). All rights reserved. |